Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7 Mystery Cities Under The Sea

1. Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria Beach, Alexandria the Great City, lies what is believed to be the ruins of room/space to the greatness of Cleopatra.  It is believed that a big earthquake around 1500thn ago which led to this place issubmerged in the sea together with historical relics, statues and other parts of Cleopatra's palace. 

2. Bay of Cambay, India

A few years ago, found a city of more than 9.500 years old. The most important in this region, force the historians to reevalute about cultural history in the region. This invention named Dwarka or City Gold, named according to the old city in the sea owned by god Krishna. 

3. Kwan Phayao, Thailand

Actually, the temple is 500 years old, in the Phayao Lake not strange, but the strange is the lake newly built deliberately 70 years ago. 

4. Yonaguni-Jima, Japan

 Discovered by a tour guide for approximately 20 years ago. A lot of controversy about the mysterious pyramids found off the coast of Japan. This building looks like carved out of stone slabs using equipment that allegedly do not / did not exist in antiquity in this area.

5. Havana, Cuba

A team of scientists to continue research on debris near the Yucatan strait megalitic in CubaThey found evidence that there is an urban settlement along several miles along the coast. Some believe that who formerly lived in these places is the old American culture.
6. North Sea, Europe

A landscape newly found under the North Sea. Had once been inhabited by humans about 10.000 years ago. The Area first is the lake, river, and ocean, now below the seafloor.

7. Atlantis, Antartica (?)

More than 100 years ago a museum curator in Istanbul to find an old map. After examine, he found a location which is marked by a row of mountains located in Antarctica. The map is one of the proof that Antartica is the Missing Atlantis City. The new proof is invention uses sonar technology which will suggest that there is more structure under Antartica


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